Microsoft account change profile picture
Microsoft account change profile picture

If you're not automatically logged in, click the Sign in link in the top-right corner of the page.Open your Internet browser of choice and navigate to the Microsoft account page.This section contains details on how to add or change a profile image on the web by logging in to your Microsoft account. How to add or change a picture via your Microsoft account If you chose Browse for one, navigate to the folder with the picture you want to use, click the picture once to select it, and click the Choose picture button.Under Create your picture on the right side (you may need to scroll down), click Camera to take a picture with your computer's camera, or select Browse for one to use a stored photo.On the left side of the window, click Your info.In the Settings window, click Accounts.Or, press the keyboard shortcut Windows key+ I. Press the Windows key, then type Settings and press Enter.

microsoft account change profile picture microsoft account change profile picture

This section contains details on how to add or change a profile image using the Windows Accounts feature. How to add or change a picture using Windows

microsoft account change profile picture

  • How to add or change a picture via your Microsoft account.
  • How to add or change a picture using Windows.

  • Microsoft account change profile picture