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Download mirc

download mirc

  • Fixed "// echo hello" being parsed as "//echo hello".
  • The installer is now also aware of administrator and standard user accounts and installs mIRC accordingly. Users installing over an old version of mIRC should therefore see no change in behaviour.

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    However, if the installer or mIRC find mirc.ini in the same folder as mirc.exe they will use the mirc.exe folder for all settings. For Vista compatibility, new installations of mIRC now save all settings in the User's "Application Data\mIRC" folder by default.The -r command line switch behaviour has been changed so that if no path is specified after -r, mIRC will use the executable path.Fixed URL links not being opened with default browser under Vista.Fixed color codes not being processed properly in wrapped lines in some situations.Fixed ? marked urls being deleted incorrectly while mIRC was running.Fixed script editor minimize/restore bug.Fixed firewall password corruption bug.Fixed Servers List popup menu not displaying items correctly.Fixed right-click popup menu selections not working correctly under Vista in some cases.Fixed /queryrn bug not renaming same name with different case.Fixed round robin dns pool ip address bug with SSL connections not remembering original host address during verification.When connecting to a round robin dns pool ip address the original connect address is now remembered and the connect message now has "dns pool" appended to it.Fixed $inroundrect() and $inellipse() bug.Fixed popup menu positioning bug when pressing spacebar to display popup close to edge of Windows desktop.Fixed mIRC always forcing an SSL +port if the last connection was an SSL +port.In other cases, the DLL is unloaded immediately. Fixed custom DLL delay-unload feature so that it is only applied when mIRC exits.Fixed /toolbar -fl bug when an item in toolbar.ini contained a popup.Fixed /auser bug halting script if user already existed.Fixed /var bug when parsing multiple $identifiers() on one line.De complete lijst met veranderingen die in deze release zijn doorgevoerd ziet er als volgt uit: Full list of Fixes, Changes and Additions in mIRC 6.3: Versie 6.3 biedt onder andere volledige ondersteuning voor Windows Vista, waaronder het gebruik van mIRC onder een gelimiteerd gebruikersaccount, ondersteuning voor U3 en kan informatie over het binnenkomen of verlaten van personen nu via de informatieballonnetjes in de systemtray worden weergegeven.

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    De overige kanalen zijn te vinden door het commando /list uit te voeren, meer informatie is in dit topic op GoT te vinden. Deze is op te vinden en heeft # als main channel. Ongetwijfeld het bekendste programma voor Windows om op IRC te kunnen kletsen is mIRC en dit programma is gisteren voorzien van een update naar versie 6.3.

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