Telegram new updates
Telegram new updates

telegram new updates

You can wrap photos and videos you send in a fuzzy cover by selecting media in the attachment menu and tapping (⋯) > Hide With Spoiler. We found someone’s letter to Santa and implemented everything on the list: HIDDEN MEDIA, ZERO STORAGE USAGE, NEW DRAWING TOOLS, PROFILE PICTURES FOR YOUR CONTACTS, AND PUPPIES The Telegram update is available now for iOS ( Android too) Here are the release notes for iOS version 9.3: Telegram has GIFs showing off each new feature in its blog post with the 10 new packs of memoji reserved for premium users. “Nobody will miss 2022, but this update offers some pleasant reasons to remember it: media with spoiler effects, new ways to save space on your device, new drawing tools, suggested profile pictures, and more.” Telegram launched the update on the App Store and detailed all the changes in a blog post:

telegram new updates

The latest release comes with improvements to hidden media when sharing images, zero storage usage tweaks, new tools for drawing and text, the ability to replace profile photos for contacts, new/more interactive emoji, and more. Telegram for iOS is out is a big update to close out 2022.

Telegram new updates